Portfolio Overview
My Portfolio Overview looks at my most cherished images taken throughout the last couple of years. Some of these images were featured in Irish newspapers, interior design magazines or were printed to large Dibond prints and hung in offices as Office Art.
Portrait Photography
Portrait photographing is the art of capturing of people in a relaxed, candid or professional manner. We combine our professional approach, portrait lenses with natural light and mobile flashes to capture you, and you team, in a style that matches your business and branding language.
These portraits can be used across a number of different social media channels and platforms.
These portraits can be used across a number of different social media channels and platforms.
Architectural Photography
Architectural photography is the photographing of buildings, externally and internally, from numerous different angles and the most optimal time of the day. By combining numerous elements, such as; the photographers creativity, specialized architectural lenses with natural or studio lighting, captivating images are photographed for the client.
Commercial Photography
Our commercial photography is specialized, but not limited to, business photography. If you are looking for original photographs of your business for your website and online platforms look no further. Our approach is to photographically profile your business and the services you provide to match your branding style. We love a challenge and are open to other commercial photography projects.